We have during month February 2019 a great event organized by MeetINN (hashtagICTNetwerkNijmegen) and Isatis Group in Nijmegen. This event was a great opportunity to interact with inspiring individuals and leaders. It was a unique opportunity to witness Hans Bos, National Technology Officer at hashtagMicrosoft hashtagNetherlands, giving great insights about Microsoft and how they deployed hashtagOpenSource the past 15 years. It was also a great opportunity to meet many interesting companies like SUSE, Humanic Development, VGZ Zorgkantoor B.V., Nexperia, Textinfo, ROC Nijmegen, ACSI Publishing, OnlineSlagen and a long list of other interesting companies as well as professionals like Joost Koppers, Emiel Brok, Ferry van Eerten, Paul Dirven, Patrick Smits and many more and to engage in the debate about Open Source deployment.
It was a privilege to receive the invitation and to engage with likeminded leaders and influencers in the IT industry in the Netherlands.
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